Hookup Breakup®

The New Exciting Relationship Board Game

Hookup Breakup is an exciting relationships Board Game. You must reach the end of your relationship before others to win!

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The Game

2-6 Players

Up to six players can play this game 13 years old and older

Quick setup

Very easy to set-up and start

20-30 Min

It takes 10 to 30 minutes to finish


It’s like rock-paper-scissor, but with wild cards!


Beautiful, Wealthy, and Smart

Characters Types

The beautiful: They are anxious about how they look They are not necessarily a brainy type of people. They are more attracted to and affected by the wealthy and love everything that glitters.

The smart: They are usually confident and like showing off how they solve problems. They are not necessarily good-looking. When they see beautiful people, they turn from smart to dumb and get affected by them.

The wealthy are usually easygoing and love to live life to the fullest. They are influenced by smart people and how they solve problems, believing everything they say is true.

Game Mechanism

The game mechanism is easy, and sort of rock-paper-scissor type of mechanism. The wealthy is stronger than the beautiful, the beautiful is stronger than the smart, and the smart is stronger than the wealthy.

The beautiful influence the smart: The smart usually believe what the beautiful say and this may affect smart people’s relationship with their other half.

The smart influence the wealth: The wealthy usually believe what the smart say and this may affect wealthy people’s relationship with their other half.

The wealthy influence the beautiful: The beautiful usually believe what the wealthy say and this may affect beautiful people relationship with their other half.

Wild Cards

Use these wildest cards to gain advantage over the others!
There are two types:action cards, and defensive cards

Game Objective

Reach the last step on your relationship meter before others do,
and live happily ever after

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